Dear Grad: Just a Zillion Things Before You Go

Hugh O'Neill
6 min readMay 31, 2023

What’s with the suitcase? You going somewhere?
You taking a trip? Is that farewell in the air?
What’s that you say? You’re leaving the nest?
You’re about to embark on the rest of your quest?
Quit kidding around! Stop stuffing that sack!
What possible reason could a kid have to pack?
You may not have noticed, but you’re still just a child,
And a young cub like you won’t be safe in the wild.

Well, yes, you’re correct. You do look strong and grown,
But that doesn’t mean you can be on your own,
Don’t be silly, sweetheart. You’re nowhere near ready.
Why only last week you bit that boy — Freddy,
What do you mean that was twelve years ago?!!!
No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!

Hmm… just checked the records, and it looks like you’re right,
You appear to have gone and grown up overnight,
But alright, that’s cool! Hey! We can switch gears!
Need help with the packing? No, no, those aren’t tears!

We’re excited for you! You’re gonna do great!
Sure, we’ll miss you a lot. But the future won’t wait.
We’d intended, dear kid, to share tons of stuff,
About flowers and engines and when you should bluff,
About driving and swimming and food and good health,
About finding true love and amassing great wealth.

But you may well have noticed, our plan hasn’t worked out,
We’ve shared almost nothing about whittling or grout,
Or plumbing or dancing or cooking or thrift,
Or staying on course if your boat starts to drift.
We got a bit busy what with earning a living,
And amid all the laughs, we forgot wisdom-giving.

Now you’re leaving home without the stuff that we know,
About sewing and rowing, and how to save dough,
About hope, about hearts, about protein and passion,
About fishing and fiber, faith, fruit, fear and fashion.

One thing we did right was give safety advice,
But when we warned you of dangers, you weren’t so nice,
You’ve mocked our concerns from the time you were small,
And you paid…. well, let’s be frank … no attention at all,
We don’t like being worried, it’s not something we choose,
But when you’ve got something precious, there’s so much to lose.

But now that you’re leaving, enough riffs of dread!
Let’s toast the adventures taking shape in your head.
And oh, by the way, we’ve got last-minute advice,
Some out-the-door wisdom that will give your life spice.

But because you’ve been fresh, you’ll have to wait a few stanzas,
To hear the one thought that makes life a bonanza,
And in payback for the mocking that fell from your lips?
For those cracks, here you go — a few more driving tips.

Check the tread monthly on all of your tires,
And drive so that no sudden moves are required,
To avoid fender-benders, here’s a great rule of thumb:
Assume the guy up-ahead will soon do something dumb.

But wait! Enough worry! There’s cheering to do!
But before that? A list of some things to eschew.
Eschew? Fancy word that means to steer clear of,
See, there are a few things that you should have fear of.
Be wary of folks who say bungee or summit,
Since humans like these tend to leap and to plummet.

There are so many risks, no mere mortal could list ‘em.
But brace yourself, kid, for a shock to your system,
The worst thing of all that could happen to you?
The risk of all risks? Taking too few.

Surprised you with that one…but yup, you heard right!
Maybe, just maybe, we’re not so uptight.
See, when you were a kid, you were one reckless bear,
So it only made sense that we had to preach care,
Since your urge to be head-long and rash was hard-wired,
A dollop of caution was what was required.

But you’re prob’ly entitled to both halves of the story,
Sure, the world has its perils, but wow… it’s also got glory!

Any fool can be safe — just don’t leave the house!
Any rodent can go through the world like a…well.. mouse,
But that’s not for you. You want to live big and free,
Ships are safe in the harbor, but they should be at sea.

Now by sea, we don’t mean … well, actual water.
That’s not a safe venue for beloved son or daughter.
No, at sea, means engaged, involved in the game,
On land, nice and dry, but hey, making some waves!

Yes, you’ll need tons of careful, but you’ll need some brave, too,
And to have a sweet life, only a mixture will do,
If you’re only courageous, you might get injured or gored,
But if you’re only careful, you will surely get bored.

So, stretch limits, child. Be sure you’re failing enough,
Comfort zones are cozy, but they don’t teach you much.
And hey! Want some wisdom as sage as the Buddha’s?
Go out on limb. Why? That’s where the fruit is.

Don’t be fearful of flopping. You’ll hit some rough weather,
But failures are fleeting, and success is forever,
Losses aren’t losses if they show you some truth,
Sadness carves space where wisdom takes root.

So be bold and be timid, be sheepish and strong,
Sometimes raise your voice, but then sing a soft song.
Play offense and defense. Give a lot. Sometimes take,
Hit the gas, darling, as you’re riding the brake.
If you want it all simple, seek some other world,
Not this wonderful puzzle into which you’ve been hurled.

Life is a challenge. But it’s also a lark,
A test of your mettle and a walk in the park,
Life can be salty, but it’s sugary too,
Some rough and some smooth will be waiting for you.
Don’t sit on the sidelines, chilled by your fears,
And don’t wait ’til you’re ready. Heck, that could take years!

Dive in! — check the depth first — just be sure to get wet!
Don’t sit around fretting, don’t hedge every bet,
Don’t find excuses, and don’t temporize.
Step one is Engage. Step two: Improvise.
Spread your arms wide, whatever the cost,
Life can’t hand you gifts if you keep your arms crossed.

We’ve cherished it all! Oh, how the years flew!
And though you’re a wise guy, we loved tending to you,
If you settle in Brooklyn or migrate to Rome,
Wherever we are, you can call that place home,
Call when you’re happy. And call if you’re blue,
Your fights are our fights. Your pals are ours, too.
So, be careful, be careful, and then careful some more,
And then stop being careful and charge out the door.

If you’re as prudent and cautious as you are daring and bold,
You’ll find buried treasure and live to get old.
Your days will be chewy, your regrets teeny-tiny,
You’ll be at home in the world; your life will be shiny.
Oh, don’t drive when you’re angry. And true love is mighty.
And this could be handy: lefty-loosey, righty-tightey.

You could wear a helmet wherever you go,
Not just when you’re biking or skiing on snow,
Just think of a helmet as a fortified hat,
That you don when you shower, drink coffee or nap.
Okay, grown-up child, maybe this goes too far,
But come on, a helmet makes sense while driving a car.
So long, darling cub. No, no… we’re not sad.

Our hearts are near bursting, but that makes us glad.
No, really, it does. We’re inspired by your arc.
Take care of yourself. Blow on your spark.
Turns out there are only two things you need know.
First, strap on your helmet, then… Go! Go! Go! Go!

To order the book version of Just a Zillion Things Before You Go for the cubs in your life, click here.



Hugh O'Neill

Writer and editor, the author of A Man Called Daddy and oh, yeah… the wisest man in the world.